Sunday 23 December 2012

Week 6 Assignment.

Week 6.

Others functions of Mortar and Pestle. 


Mortar and pestle can be used as a game. Like as shown in the picture above, the player will throw the pestle and try to aim it into the mortar. If the player able to place the pestle inside the mortar within the distance of 1 meter he will be able to get 1 point. The longer the distance of the player from the mortar, the  higher the point the player will get. But if the player fails, no points will be given to the player.



Mortar and pestle also can be used as an item to give a statement. Like as shown in the picture above, by hitting the mortar using the pestle, a sound can be produce to attract other people attention to give them a statement. The larger the size of mortar and pestle used the louder the sound can be produce.


Mortar and pestle also can be used as a weapon. Like as shown in the picture above, the pestle will be used as the holder and connected to the mortar with a steel chain. Besides that, it also can be swing and it also can be used to attack further distance target by increasing the length of the steel chain.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Week 5 Assignment.

Week 5.

Invention - innovation :  

Again, not all inventions bring innovation, remember. 

But it sure makes good Sci-Fi stories.    

What can we learn from here? something to blog about, perhaps.


I my opinion, based from the article and the video form the link above, I have learn that not all inventions that are created in the past will still be the same in terms of its usage in the future. For instance, there some popular devices which are created  in Japan around 1950's which was widely used during that time but today those devices are no longer been used and hard to be found because of  no demand for it. This shows that not all of the devices invented will bring innovation. In addition, some of the devices will just be forgotten when a brand new devices is invented.

Here are some example of devices invented in Japan around 1950's.


Week 4 Assignment.

Week 4.

Historical Examination Of Creativity.

 Look at people and times to understand creativity better.

- What traits made them creative?

- What environmental condition existed?

- What is the process of creativity?

Nowadays there are a lot of artistic and creative historical evidence which can be found all around the world. Those evidence had exist for hundreds and thousands years ago. One example is the Medieval European art.

The Medieval art of the Western world covers a vast scope of time and place, over 1000 years of art in Europe, and at times the Middle East and North Africa. It includes major art movements and periods, national and regional art, genres, revivals, the artists crafts, and the artists themselves.

Art historians attempt to classify medieval art into major periods and styles, often with some difficulty. A generally accepted scheme includes Early Christian art, Migration Period art, Byzantine art, Insular art, Pre-Romanesque art and Romanesque art, and Gothic art, as well as many other periods within these central styles.

- Early Christian art.

- Migration Period art.

- Byzantine art.

- Insular art.

- Pre-Romanesque art.

- Romanesque art.

- Gothic art.

In addition each region, mostly during the period in the process of becoming nations or cultures, had its own distinct artistic style, such as Anglo-Saxon art or Norse art.

- Anglo-Saxon art.

- Norse art.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Week 3 Assignment.

Week 3.


1. Visit the 

What does it tell us about the process of invention and innovation?


In my opinion, based on the article that I have read I can see that the process of invention and innovation is really important. It actually helps use in many ways that we can't imagine. For example invention, the creation of tablets and smartphones. Those two inventions have made a lot of changes in our life and it also have a much greater technology compare to mobile phones and desktop. Those inventions are able to be created with the help of innovation. With innovation a lot of creative and unimaginable things can be invented. For example innovation, the invention of the tablet which predicted will replace computer in the year 2016. Besides that, it is also known as the key accelerator to mobility. All of this able to be achieve through the process of invention and innovation.    

2. And this one Ask yourself what kind of environment, situation etc., would make you to become a creative/inventive/innovative person?

Open discussion and expression! write, sing, draw, make image... 

In my opinion, I would like to have a peace environment  and calm situation to become a creative/inventive/innovation person. This because for me with a peace environment and calm situation I can easily get creative ideas and inspiration without any loud noise disturbance.An example of peace environment is like at Switzerland.

 As you can see, the view of this place is very peaceful. It can help to relax our mind to generate new creative ideas to become more innovative.

Besides that, I also believe that by observing unique building structure it also can help me to become a much creative, inventive, and innovative person. This because when we see those building we can see the artistic value, the texture, and the perspective of the building which we can help us in inventive and innovative. Example of a unique building structure are like:

Eiffel Tower at Paris.

Big Ben at London.

Tajmahal at India.

More than that, I also believe that creative and unique fashion style environment also can help to me to become more creative, inventive, and innovative person. This because as we observe those fashion styles, we can see a lot of beautiful colors, texture, and types of materials used to make it into unique and wearable design. We also can observe the invention and innovation that was applied on that design. An example I take is at the streets of Japan. There are a lot of cool and unique designs that can be seen. Here some examples :