Sunday 18 November 2012

Week 1 Assignment.

Week 1.

   1. Why did the Titanic hit the iceberg?

There are some possibilities why did the Titanic hit the iceberg. One of the possibilities is because probably because the Titanic cannot avoid from hit the iceberg because of the huge structure of the ship which hard to move fast and freely.

Besides that, another possibility that cause the Titanic to hit the iceberg is due to the structure of the iceberg which is small on the tip but large in bottom of the sea.

The boat crew thought that the ship can pass through safely without hitting the iceberg but eventually they were wrong. The bottom of the Titanic ship had crashed with the iceberg which caused the ship to sink.


       2. What is this object of curiosity? What does it do? How and why?

This object of curiosity looks like it can be used as a pencil holder which can place pencils. This because due to its stability at the bottom surface and its cylindrical shape at the middle which can be used to place the pencil. Besides that, this object of curiosity also looks like it can be used like a vase which can place flowers.  This is also due to its stability at the bottom surface and its cylindrical shape at the middle which can be used to place the flowers.

More than that, this object of curiosity also can be used as an object that can hang up dry clothes by connecting it with a long cylindrical shape of wood or plastic.

Besides that, the length of the cylindrical wood or plastic also can be increase by applying another piece of long cylindrical shape of wood or plastic to the object. By this way, more clothes can be hang up.


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